Monday, June 30, 2008

MMA Training - Workout

I just got back from an intense thirty minute session and my arms are weak, so if there is a spelling error you will know why.

This simple session will hit all of your upper body majors and put you into a deficit where it will be up to you to put your mind into over drive.

Here it is:10 minutes pullups - As Many Reps As possible
10 minutes pushups- As Many Reps as possible
10 minutes situps - As Many Reps as Possible

Rest as needed...but keep driving.

When you are in the midst of some pain take a second to review 3 different combinations in your head. Clear your mind so that you see them landing and damaging your opponent.

Have a great day.

PS. If you haven't kicked your training into high gear then why not? Train with us and you will get to places you have not yet been...

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