Friday, August 15, 2008

MMA Training - BJJ Submission Video

So equally as important as being fit is to have good technical skills. We have been working with my friend Ari from and he has created several of the top submission fact I think he is sitting around #23 on youtube.

So as a little bonus and in between fitness videos I will include some of Ari's submission videos.

Now imagine yourself as the lethal combination of a fit athlete with killer technique.

This one's called Meat Hook to Triangle and brought to by

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MMA Training - Critical Decision Making

Did you know that you can actually control how your opponent makes decisions? It's almost like creating a scene from Matrix when you get good at the process.

It is a thought process derived from the explanations in the 1960's on how fighter pilots could defeat their opponents.

The same principles apply today to a variety of situations including MMA Training, SWAT Training and this model has even been adopted by big business to get out in front of their competition.

What is the model?

It is Observation, Orientation, Decide and Act or the OODA Loop.

This decision making process is the same for all humans when faced with a critical decision.

The basic principle is that you can teach yourself to move through the loop faster than your opponent and actually introduce actions that cause your opponent to move slower through their process thus allowing you to defeat them.

Obviously, there is a more complex explanation for each of the components of the model but that is just a taste of what we teach our students, whether they are headed into a match or headed into combat.

Talk To You Soon

Saturday, July 5, 2008

MMA Training - Conditioning

Here's a session for you to try today if you woke up today and felt the need to train, like RAMPAGE should after getting whupped by Forrest....whoa!

30 minutes of
5 tire flips
10 squats 10 pushups
Rest 15 seconds and repeat for 30 min

I am always a little surprised when only 4 lines of text can bring so much pain.

Here's the important part about this training. Ask yourself...have I fuelled my body properly to sustain 30 minutes of work.

Have you begun your day by hydrating yourself? Two glasses of cold water right out of the gate are essential to begin your day. Why? Aside from getting everything inside you moving it also acts as a cleansing agent and flushes the body of toxins.

Now whether you are a fighter cutting weight, or you are simply getting in the best shape of your life, a good breakfast is 5 egg whites and 2 pieces of gluten free rice bread. This will give you all the energy you need to sustain your energy level for the entire session.

These are really good strategies and they are all contained in and a part of the MMA Fitness Training Regime for people who want to get into killer shape or a fighter ready to get into the octagon.
Click Here for MMA Fitness Training

Enjoy that training session

MMA Fitness Training

Friday, July 4, 2008

MMA Training - Power Lifts

A solid MMA Training Program certainly has some power lifts at its core. Is Your Trainer having you focus on the tempo of your lift....and why would he...and what do you just want to be ready to kick the livin' snot out of your opponent...

Being able to do that depends on being properly conditioned. You must also put on some mass while losing fat during your training....

So when you are doing some lifts have you trainer establish a tempo like a 311 or's the technical b.s. if you need to know what and why

For a 311 Temp

3 seconds to lower the weight (eccentric portion), 1 second pause at the isometric position and 1 second to lift the weight (concentric)

412 is just 4 second lower, 1 sec pause, 2 secs up.

With respect to mass programs it really ensures effective time under tension, which lead to the consequent metabolic environments necessary for muscle growth............

If you don't give a fat rats butt about the technical stuff I don't blame you...that's your trainer's job to know it and make sure you are ready for the octagon...if your trainer isn't having you focus on tempo...are they really preparing you as good as they can?

Make sure you are prepared for your fights.


Monday, June 30, 2008

MMA Training - Workout

I just got back from an intense thirty minute session and my arms are weak, so if there is a spelling error you will know why.

This simple session will hit all of your upper body majors and put you into a deficit where it will be up to you to put your mind into over drive.

Here it is:10 minutes pullups - As Many Reps As possible
10 minutes pushups- As Many Reps as possible
10 minutes situps - As Many Reps as Possible

Rest as needed...but keep driving.

When you are in the midst of some pain take a second to review 3 different combinations in your head. Clear your mind so that you see them landing and damaging your opponent.

Have a great day.

PS. If you haven't kicked your training into high gear then why not? Train with us and you will get to places you have not yet been...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Visualize Success - MMA Fitness Training

How bad do you want victory?

Whether it is in the cage, on the street or in your daily business, If you don't see yourself succeed it simply will not happen.

There are a series of steps you must go through in order to properly visualize success.

1. Find time to remain undisturbed for at least 5 - 30 minutes

2. Break down the process
- your brain reviews and processes information in segments so you must break up your visualization in segments.

If you are a fighter then break down your fight into successful combinations landing through to seeing your hand raised in the middle of the cage at the end of the fight.

If you are a SWAT or Spec Operator see each phase of your operation from execution to successful conclusion

If you are starting an online or offline business then see yourself taking action and implementing each of your ideas from start to finish

3. Repeat this process as often as you can.

Visualization has lead to every success I have ever had whether it was achieving a gold medal in wrestling, to winning the Commandant's Shield as a top Soldier to starting a successful online business.

The process works for whatever you want to succeed at.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MMA Fitness Training - Getting GASSED?

There are two primary reasons why fighters find themselves in trouble early on in a fight ( aside from being outclassed)

1. STRESS- Not being able to manage your stress in the cage will see you eliminated from your match early on...

If you want a way to manage stress which is going to put you light years ahead of your opponent I have a very simple solution for you and it is about how you think.

2. The second reason fighter's get gassed is a little more obvious and it is due to their conditioning.

More importantly how they manage micro-intervals? If you don't know what I mean by micro-interval then you better give your trainer a kick in the shin.

It is a science we have developed within our trianing models which improves your ability to recover in extremely short periods of time. It is all a part of the system at

Whether you are entering the cage or you simply want to gain muscle and lose fat, we have developed an incredible system to help you achieve your goals....

That is what you want isn't domination!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

MMA Fitness Training is sweeping the world as one of the fastest and most effective ways to transform your body.

If you have been watching the UFC or WEC or King of the Cage you have seen some seriously fit athletes.

We have taken there training and made it so anyone can do it. Our Training System can be found at

It is the fastest way to gain muscle and lose fat in existence today. Check out the site for more details but you will be blown away.

We are going to keep you updated on all the latest training techniques and we also give away a lot of free training tips and info here as well.

Talk to you soon.